Doe Camp Opens in Downtown Petoskey

Ladies Opening Night

November 15, 2017

Camo shirt? Check. Wool socks? Check. Gloves? Check. Shopping bag? Check…wait, what?

It’s that time of year, ladies (and not to be sexist, men can be included as well), Friday, November 17th Downtown Petoskey throws up the “camp” sign and welcomes one and all to food, fun, and games from 5:00 p.m. through 9:30 p.m. While spouses trod and trek looking for venison, or their underwear you packed in their gun case that they can’t find, you may shop to your heart’s content.

The quarry isn’t very sly, and trophies can be had in over 35 stores throughout the downtown area. Perhaps your sights will be fine-tuned for that new down vest; maybe the brand new boots would make a nice addition in the closet; even the everyday stocks of candles and gifts can be replenished while hunting for the perfect bargain.

Ladies Opening Night Doe Camp in Downtown Petoskey

 If the shopping bag is left behind, no worries, there will be wine, food and entertainment throughout the evening at the assorted tree-stands camouflaged as retail outlets and fine specialty stores. Make sure you check your ammo clips for credit cards and cash that you will certainly need for a rousing night of fun and frivolity.

Why should only one half of the household have all the fun? The actual Doe Camp at Stafford’s Perry Hotel. begins at 8:30 p.m. after shopping. The prize drawings begin at 9:30 p.m., so, don’t be shy. Bring the cribbage board, have a brew (or two), and bring home the largest prize of the camp and bragging rights at home.

You can even hide the receipts back in the gun case with the underwear that never seem to be found, even after all these years. But a little hint, don’t hide them in the cooler or deck of cards.

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