Getting & Staying Fit in Downtown Petoskey

Getting Fit in Downtown Petoskey

September 6, 2017

With summer waning, so too may the outdoor activity – maybe it’s the temperature or the rain – but there are many ways to continue that wonderful healthy glow one aspires to during the miles of biking, running and swimming. In Downtown Petoskey, there are several venues for maintaining the new found – or rediscovered – muscle tone. Over the next few weeks we will highlight some of those venues, and today, we’re looking over at Center City Gym.

Every weekday morning, Lisa opens at 5:30 a.m. and people begin to drift in from long nights under cozy covers or perhaps from a long midnight shift at work. There’s coffee waiting and everything one can imagine for a round of staying physically fit. Free-weights, machines, treadmills, ellipticals, floor mats, and stationary bikes fill two floors at the increasingly popular gym.

Later in the morning, Lisa exits and Mark begins his day monitoring, counseling, and demonstrating safe techniques under barbells, standing at a fitness machine, or stretching prior to a long jog on the treadmill.

Center City Gym

The energy ebbs and flows over the course of the afternoon and into the early evening when workplaces empty and the gym explodes into vigorous training rituals and lively conversation. The benevolence of Mark’s tutelage and assistance to anyone who asks – or he may see in an unsafe situation – provides an environment everyone can be comfortable with. There is no reason to be shy about beginning a program of health and fitness at Center City. It’s one place where all shapes and sizes attend without fail and without judgement. If you prefer the fanciest of exercise wear or the old sweatpants from your bottom drawer, all prosper with an improvement in nutrition, muscle tone, and brain chemistry once the workouts become routine.

If you are truly interested in body shaping, sculpting, or professional and amateur bodybuilding, Mark is an award-winning trainer with the pictures of the champions hanging around the gym.

So, whether you’re a serious weightlifter and prefer the confines of the heavy weights downstairs, or the fitness enthusiast who likes the machines and televisions upstairs, or maybe the person who, by the end of a workout, has used all of the various venues, you will find something to suit your needs at Center City Gym. And don’t forget to say hi to Mark or Lisa when you walk in. There’s always a smile that will be offered in return.

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