Shop Till You Drop!

Shopping Scramble Day

September 27, 2017

On Saturday, October 7th, after a light breakfast and some introductory words at The Perry Hotel, a group of people will walk over to Howard Street and begin their shopping day. Not just any shopping day, but Shopping Scramble Day. And yes, my dear friend, for an all-inclusive $50 you, too, may scramble all over Downtown Petoskey and shop till you drop.

You get a breakfast at the Perry, a fashion show for lunch at Beards Brewery, and a light dinner at the Palette Bistro where the 19th Hole event takes place with fun and prizes galore. And in between, you find bargains, the odd glass of wine, giveaways, and enticing chances at obtaining more gift certificates.

As you round the first corner at Howard Street, Threads will offer a 20% donation of each purchase applied to the Little Traverse Humane Society.

A couple of doors up and Chico’s doors open. Or perhaps across the street at Fustini’s for oils and vinegars, which is right next door to Mettlers, and then…whew! Choices abound.

But, if you wish to stay on the same side of the street, a few doors up from Chico’s at 209B Howard Street, B. Jeweled awaits. Here, owner Kate Manthei, will offer sips of wine, a drawing, and fun game where winners get a discount.

“It’s a great day for downtown,” notes Kate. “It’s fun to meet everyone and so many come from a variety of places.”

Shopping Scramble

Downtown Petoskey is known for its fashion sense, especially for women, but men don’t have to be excluded. J Phillips, Craig Ryan, and the consummate haberdashery, The Clothes Post, are some of the venues that offer up-to-the-minute men’s fashions for the men who like to dress up – or down – depending on the day.

Shopping Scramble doesn’t have to be only about clothes. Many merchants, including Cutler’s, will offer games, prizes, and drawings for various items. For instance, in the homewares side of Cutler’s there will be a “guess the gadget” game for a chance at a $50 discount. Next door in their clothing store, any lucky shopper who can sink a putt, can enter yet another drawing for a discount.

 At Haystacks, one of the newer downtown venues at 314 East Lake Street, enter and you’ll be offered a free scarf with any purchase. Yes, any purchase! Nancy will point to bins of scarfs for every customer.

“We have every color, shape, size, and fabric you can imagine,” says Nancy the manager at Haystacks. “Look! All of these places hold scarfs in this store.”

Nancy goes on to say, “We’ll also be donating an item for the gift bags that will be given away at the 19th Hole Celebration.”

So, there you have it, folks. Step right up and get your tickets, and be prepared to buckle at the knees as you enjoy shopping like no other day in Downtown Petoskey. Get your food, your wine, beer and cheese, right here! Now don’t crowd, here’s a ticket for you young lady, and you Ma’am… 

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