A Soft Rain in May

A statue to Ernest Hemingway in a park in Petoskey, Michigan

May 8, 2019

There’s a soft rain today quenching the thirst of the yellow daffodils, pink and red tulips, purple pansies, and the fresh spring grass. Renewal is all around us, here, in Petoskey, with the warmth and breadth of our seasonal change only now taking shape.

Walking into storefronts and eateries, you’ll find a bustle of energy focused on preparation for the June Open House and the eventual onslaught of returning crowds in July. There’s an apprehension on warm, sunny days when a few people walk the streets and spin an alarm of early onset tourism, but alas, the soft rain appears, and a sigh emanates as we realize there’s still time.

Chef’s are ordering new dinnerware, giftshops newly minted pottery and glassware, owners are fostering new staff, and those of us on the side help others keep to task and offer sustenance for strength.

Sitting on a bench, I watch the city staff ready the Hosta gardens in Pennsylvania Park and prime the flower beds adorning the Hemingway statue as Papa awaits the train with suitcase in hand. Toward Mitchell Street, the Chamber of Commerce building is nearing the end of its renovation offering new public restrooms. Further west along US-31, the road construction, creating detours through downtown thoroughfares, continues at break-neck speed to ensure smooth surfaces. Which reminds me, as you enter downtown, be cautious of sign changes and be watchful of pedestrians. 

We relish in the vernacular of the North. Where’s the best place to hike? The best place to boat? Eat? Drink? Shop? Each one of us becomes a conspicuous concierge to anyone needing any information. And under the cloudy skies and awash in the misty curtain floating off Lake Michigan, we ready the stage. Come enjoy the early times, the slow times and engage in the set design.

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