June 27, 2018
It’s the summer season, and where does one start? Let’s see, I could walk to Howard, between Michigan and Mitchell Streets and go to the Framer’s Market at 8:30 a.m. on Friday, maybe pick up some fresh food for my farm-to-table dinner later in the evening. I could even stop at Julienne Tomatoes for a huge chocolate chip cookie to celebrate the warm weather. ulienne Tomatoes
For lunch, I can walk through Pennsylvania Park to American Spoon and sample their new menu at the Coop Counter. They’re open Wednesday through Sundays, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. offering five sandwich selections, salads, and some extras.
If I don’t feel like making dinner, I can hop back through the park and check out Tap 30 or The Pour. They have something for everyone at each venue, and I will watch for their food truck review in the back lot behind the restaurants. It should be opening soon.

Not done, yet. A couple new shops. There’s Juetta West’s on Howard between Lake and Bay Streets. The styles offer fashion, sport and chic personas, and best of all, the designer herself, Juetta, will most likely be the one assisting me for a grand shopping experience.
Around the corner on Bay, Shed Fine Goods has opened its doors for everything from human to household. Owner and artist Renee would love to show me some of her abstract art that hangs beautifully in her designer gallery.
That’s all in one day! On Wednesday, June 20th, the Charlotte Ross Lee Concerts through Crooked Tree Arts Center begin at Noon with the immortal Michelle Chenard kicking off the season. These concerts at the Gazebo in Pennsylvania Park are every Wednesday and Friday through the summer.
The next night on the 21st, I certainly won’t miss the 19th Annual Gallery Walk through downtown Petoskey where I can course through each venue, pick up an entry ticket for the drawing in the Perry Hotel Rose Garden Veranda, and perhaps walk away with an original from one of the artists.
Whew! I haven’t even gotten to the 4th of July parade, festivities and fireworks. But I will absolutely stay around for the July 6th Petoskey Rocks concert series that goes each and every Friday through August 10th. At 8 p.m. I’ll watch and listen to great music, then take the kids over to the Movie in the Park once the sun goes down.
There’s a lot to do in Downtown Petoskey throughout the summer, but those first few weeks, wow! I’m just glad everything is in a four-block radius, but you know!? I could always hop on one of the free carriage rides, then I could…
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