St. Patrick’s Day in Petoskey

St Patricks Day 2018 Petoskey MI

March 14, 2018

As you walk around town, there’s a hint of green in the air. Yes, the ice is melting and the snow isn’t as deep, but there are green shamrocks in windows, leprechauns and their accessories of hats and beads, and everything Irish adorning Downtown Petoskey because this Saturday is St. Patrick’s Day.

Beyond the green beer and the wearin’ o’the green, it marks a foray into the warmer months of spring; into the eternal hope that the lake becomes blue and the sun finds its way home on our horizon. Being of Irish decent, Celtic, black Irish to be exact, the Druid in me loves the change.

Along the streets of downtown, you sense the excitement. Meyer Ace Hardware’s windows are festooned with Irish regalia; City Park Grill and Mitchell Street Pub look forward to music and fun; the Celtic Shop, well, they don’t have to do much, they’re always in the mood; and this year, the annual Robert Emmet Society’s Hoolie will make its appearance at Beards Brewery where the stage will come alive with the music of the Emerald Isle as the Robert Emmet Society announces their scholarship winner for a chance to study abroad in Ireland.

Aye lass and lad, remember you do live in Emmet County and you do reside in a community that loves a party, but don’t forget, in the original celebration of St. Patrick, it was also a time of reflection. The days of winter are passing and the soul may need a cleansing, so think about ways you can make Downtown Petoskey a better place; a path you can create and keep what we so desire: a beautiful place to live.

                May the road rise up to meet you.
                May the wind be always at your back.
                May the sun shine warm upon your face;
                the rains fall soft upon your fields…

But it you can’t grasp that, then there’s always: May you be in heaven half an hour before the devil knows you’re dead.

So, don’t over salt the corned beef, don’t turn the cabbage into gruel, keep the potatoes hot, but most of all enjoy a Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

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